3D Animation Reel 2024



Shots are numbered at the top right.

1- Character animation for Google, "Chrome 15th Birthday" under HOPR.

2 - Shot from my thesis film, "Twin Sparks" by Ollie Yao and Heather Yun.

3 - Shot from my thesis film, "Twin Sparks" by Ollie Yao and Heather Yun.

4 - Shot from my thesis film, "Twin Sparks" by Ollie Yao and Heather Yun.

5 - Pokemon music video, "Never Be Lonely" under Jabimation.

6 - XIIDRA holiday commercial shot under Jabimation.

7 - Kroger holiday commercial shot under Hornet.

8 - Christmas short film for charity shot under HOPR.

9 - Background character animation (foreground, screen right shelves, bottom shelves) for Youtube Original Shorts, "Cupcake" under Jabimation.

10 - Shot for thesis film, "Shattered" by Kaitlin Yu, Nelson Mai, and Tiantian Zhang.

11 - Ball and rock debris animation for Google, "Google LEAP" under HOPR.